Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Progress update

A great deal has been going on behind the scenes in the last few weeks. The Qualification Development Team, or more precisely a small group of qualification leaders, has been working on the conditions and recommendations that were placed on the awards at the recent validation event.

There was a meeting with two representatives of the validation panel (the convenor and the SQA representative) to discuss progress recently. The good news was that most of the conditions were lifted. In fact, there are only one or two outstanding actions.

I hope to have all of the conditions lifted by the end of this month so that the awards can be coded and officially made available to centres from early May. There will be a launch event in June, when we will showcase the new qualifications. Look out for invitations.

I've already stated that you don't need to wait until the awards are validated before preparing for them. Most of the units have been validated for several months (and available on the SQA website), the frameworks are now finalised (and can be downloaded here), and there are a raft of support materials available for the new awards, including assessment support packs (available on SQA Secure) and teaching and learning material (available online).

We're also here to help to please contact Caroline if you need any assistance.

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