The outcome of the validation was that all of the awards were validated with several conditions and recommendations. The main conditions related to core skills (for all of the awards) and the title (of one of the awards).

The panel asked that the HND Computing award be retitled to HND Computer Science so that the title is consistent with the new Curriculum for Excellence qualifications. So, the new HNDs will now be entitled:
- HND Computing: Technical Support
- HND Computing: Networking
- HND Computing: Software Development
- HND Computer Science.
The were a number of other conditions relating to aims, entry requirements, professional recognition, and transitional arrangements (among others).
So, there is plenty of work ahead for the QDT. But we were happy with the outcome and think that the proposed changes will improve the new qualifications. We hope to have the conditions lifted by March next year and all of the awards available to centres from July.
Contact me if you want to know more about this validation event.