The eighth meeting of the QDT took place yesterday morning. The QDT consists of 32 "extended" members and 15 "core" members. Most colleges in Scotland are represented in one capacity or another.
The agenda included a number of important items, including an update on progress, a discussion about timescales, and the contents of the proposed HNDs. I also took the opportunity to tell members about the new Qualification Review Teams.
There was a particularly interesting discussion about progression to degree courses. Members emphasised the importance of designing HNDs that articulate with degrees. The Qualification Leaders agreed to carefully look at this aspect of their frameworks in discussion with university representatives.
The HNC has been available for a few months, and we hope to have the HNDs available to centres from early 2013. The awards are progressing OK, with the focus on the creation of the validation proposal documents (VPDs), which is being done by the Qualification Leaders.
The validation event will take place in December.
Contact Caroline if you want to know more about the new HNDs.